The Centre for Cultural Activities is a non-profit organization that promotes human rights, cultural values and the values of democracy.
The association was founded in 2007 and registered in 2008. Since then, the association has been implementing projects and programs aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable, marginalized groups in society by promoting their rights through audiovisual media and public campaigns.
The association promotes social entrepreneurship as an economically profitable and at the same time socially useful by using audiovisual (AV) production and by planning and implementing socially useful campaigns.
C.K.D. introduces audiovisual production and public campaigns into the public domain which emphasize significant social values (prevention of discrimination, care for the environment, promotion of social solidarity).
C.K.D. is an active actor in the society in which the values of tolerance, the fight against social exclusion, discrimination and all kinds of stereotypes guide the creation of an inclusive society of emancipated and equal women and men.
C.K.D. is a non-profit, non-factious, non-religious organization aimed at creating an inclusive solidarity society of equal opportunities for all citizens, in which sensitized citizens make informed decisions and are aware of their responsibility for society as a whole and work to develop participatory democracy and civil society in the fight against all forms of violence, discrimination and social exclusion while sensitizing the public.
In our work we use the cultural scene, media and advocacy activities because in this way we work on a broad, effective and strong recognition of values and goals that contribute to education about cultural values and values of European multiculturalism, education of children and youth to promote and preserve cultural diversity, cultural identity, promotion and connection of artists, and systematic development of activities and conditions to ensure active and quality aging of the entire elderly population.