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The RE-GENERATION programme (revitalisation of the quality of life of the elderly) is a three-year programme implemented from June 2020 until the end of May 2022 with financial support from the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy.

The programme is implemented in cooperation with partners, the Home for the Elderly Peščenica and the Centre for Rehabilitation Komarevo.

Through various activities with the elderly, efforts are made to encourage and enable activities for active ageing, social inclusion and healthy lifestyles of the elderly through audiovisual media, lectures, socializing with the youth.

  • “Memories for eternity” programme – making videos with the elderly – showing their life stories
  • sensibilisation and information of the “sandwich generation” – lectures for adults, members of the so-called “sandwich generation” who at the same time often take care of their parents and their children
  • the programme “I am taking pictures of you, You are photographing me” – creative photography workshops for the elderly and a portrait exhibition.