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The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines social entrepreneurship as entrepreneurship that strives to provide innovative solutions to existing social problems, and for this reason it often goes hand in hand with social innovation processes aimed at improving people’s lives by promoting social change.

Social entrepreneurship as a new way of doing business represents an area of ​​overlapping entrepreneurial practices from the business world and values ​​closely related to social responsibility and principles of environmental protection.

Only entrepreneurs have the will and persistence needed to transform the entire system. The task of a social entrepreneur is to recognize problems in society and find new ways to solve them by changing the system, spreading solutions and convincing the entire society to take new steps.

We can say that social entrepreneurs strive to change communities and society as a whole. As part of the POP-UP entrepreneur project, the Center for Cultural Activities develops campaign implementation services using audiovisual media.

In addition to the existing cooperation on the realization of the documentary film “Being related to John Malkovich”, CKD signed a new contract with the company 4Film for the provision of copywriting services, concept design, creation of advertisements, PR texts and scripts for promo video spots